The contents of this page are meant to be a joke. Do not take anything written here seriously. This Kaiju is a joke. As if you couldn't tell that by the fact that he's a Kaiju named Trumpzilla. Also please do not try to turn the comments secion of this page into a political discussion, It won't end well for anyone. |
Trumpzilla a Kaiju that is also president of the United States.
Trumpzilla looks like a giant version of Donald Trump.
Universe 986[]
Little is known about Trumpzilla's life before he ran for president. What we do know, is that he had a show, and he made rude comments about women. He was also in a Mcdonalds commercial for some reason. In 2016, Trumpzilla ran for president. Unfortunately, the US was apparently full of ignorant, bigoted morons at the time. These idiots eventually got him elected. Some tried to resist, but Trumpzilla killed them. Claiming it was "treason". After defeating the last person who could stand in his way, Hillary Clinton, Trumpzilla destroyed America and set out to destroy the rest of the world. He later attacked the Planetary Invasion Syndicate. Once breaking in, Trumpzilla killed the Syndicate. Before dying, Alien Nackle unleashed Black King to defeat Trumpzilla. Trumpzilla said this:
"Ok, you're crazy. You're evil, you're crooked. I'm not gonna kill the King of the Blacks, Ok. I have a great relationship with the blacks". Black King was fed up with all of this, and attacked Trumpzilla. The two got into a fight. Unfortunately, Trumpzilla apparently fed on ignorance, and since ignorance is everywhere, he was getting more powerful all the time. After seemingly defeating Black King, Trumpzilla went to Monster Island. Black King apparently followed him, and recruited all the Kaiju on Monster Island to help kill him. The assembled Kaiju, led by T-Rex and Godzilla, all fought against Trumpzilla. They managed to defeat Trumpzilla, disintegrating him and wiping him from existence. After this defeat, Trumpzilla was sent back to Hell, where he came from in the first place. Currently, he is being tortured until the end of time in Hell.
Moving Universes[]
For unknown reasons, Trumpzilla was revived and placed into Universe 1602, where he ran for president again and somehow won alongside his vice president Shockermons. Trumpzilla currently resides in Universe 1602 being a shitty president.
- Can generate walls at will
- Ignorance absorption
- Fire Breath. He usually says "you're fired" when spewing it.
- Spits out lies and other idiocies. This attack only affects smart people
- Can summon his supporters at will. However, he killed them all when he destroyed America
- Can start world wars at will
- Incredibly skilled at Golf
- Scandal Beam. Trumpzilla fires a beam that causes anyone it hits to get caught up in a scandal.
- Ignorance Wave. Trumpzilla can emit a sort of energy from his body that causes the inner ignorances and prejudices of a person to surface, or implanting such ignorances if they do not currently exist, effectively making people irrational, quick to anger, and lowering their intelligence, among other mental effects.
- Alternative Facts
- Russian Hacker summon
- Intelligence: By virtue of being a Trump parody, Trumpzilla is actually more intelligent than the real Donald Trump.
- Not sure if this is a meme Kaiju or not
- If you couldn't tell, I do not like Mr. Trump.
- Yes, Universe 986's USA is currently a dystopian wasteland. It should take about four years for them to rebuild.
- Image is from this website:
- This page was actually created before Trump was elected president. As he became president in the original storyline anyway, no rewriting was needed.