Fan Made Kaiju Wikia
Council of Creators Navbox Logo
Council of Creators (series)
Council of CreatorsSide StoriesList of EpisodesList of MusicArtwork GalleryUstin
The Creators
Current Creators
CdrzillafanonAgent ScoobsSuperNerd295KoopaBigRandomKaiju
Indominus Rex 2016WolfzillaMechaKingGhidorah789Key Mace
Past Creators
Titanosaurus cloneHokuto Black KingUltraman Ross
Other Protagonists
Fandom UsersDave the Fandom UserLongyTeenyJollySheridanHedronKathleen Hudson
The CrusadersTerry • Agent Cdr • Agent Indominus • IndomiscoobfanonJeffereyGermanium II
Indominus GhidorahThe Woke-Ass Atomic DinosaurRonald McF***ingDonaldGyaodorah
Main Villains
FlurrTheGamerMixelSepsisKeratosMyosLucifer, Lord of the Tongue LousesTongue Louse
OrganonG-RexAetheriumHokuto Black KingDark KoopaHair HeadsSatanturtle
Overlord BaganSquare Enix
Other Villains
FiregrodonAngerzillaThe Poop SquadThe Meme SquadShocktraCaedesMagorinDragonish
Mrs. Cool-AssNightmare CreaturesKirkosSepsizillaTitanobotGalactic UnionUtoarhLa Raltey
ROBO 9EIRKing KaijuThe Stars of the Symphony NightSuper MechagodzillaGattai Koopa
DraemasCavern CellThe KarubooVoid GasVoid HybridDisnonCthuliansEvil Redman

G-Rex is the corporeal form of Universe -1, and was created by KoopaGalaxain.


As G-Rex is the corporeal form of an entire universe, he is infinite in every aspect; Infinitely massive, infinitely heavy and infinitely tall. G-Rex lacks a head, instead possessing an immense star-filled ring with one massive glowing orange eye, several million galaxies wide.

G-Rex's 'skin' is composed of the entirety of Universe -1, and thus shows every single galaxy, star and planet present within it.

G-Rex is vaguely reptilian in appearance, hence his name.

With Aetherium's sword form equipped, G-Rex is referred to as the Reaper of Universes (宇宙の死神 Uchū no Shinigami?). In this state, G-Rex's appearance is more or less the same, but the stars in the colliding galaxies that make up his body glow even brighter than normal.


Universe -1[]

G-Rex appeared out of nothingness one hundred and fifty trillion years in the past, giving birth to the warped and broken Universe -1, a universe which should have never existed. After creating Universe -1 to form its body, G-Rex formed Aetherium, a living galaxy that could also serve as his personal weapon.

Wielding Aetherium, G-Rex proceeded to engineer a killing spree in The Void, slaying several universes and all of their countless inhabitants one after the other. Eventually, G-Rex came to a halt, satisfied with what he had done.

G-Rex, in an attempt to escape detection and punishment for the atrocities he had committed, immediately began to slumber, and entered a state of eternal repose from which it has yet to awaken, even after such an immense amount of time.

It is believed that since G-Rex is Universe -1, were he to be awoken, the entirety of Universe -1 would be destroyed.

Although G-Rex entered into an unending slumber, Aetherium waited, ready for the moment when he began to stir. And, as of 2017... the colossal beast is starting to wake up. Aetherium entered the unwary Universe -1, and is starting to follow his master's orders...

Council of Creators[]

Shadow Paradigm[]

Having slumbered for most of the course of Season 2 of Council of Creators, G-Rex made his grand debut during the season finale, having been awoken and successfully drawn to Earth by Hokuto Black King's Stellar Resplendence form, which he used to contact G-Rex from beyond the bounds of Universe 1. Upon arrival, G-Rex was furious to see that Aetherium had mounted a near-catastrophic attack on the Earth, but decided to put Universe 1 out of its misery, wielding Aetherium as the Slayer of Universes. However, Koopa and Wolfzilla were able to successfully convince G-Rex to spare Universe 1 instead, and he stopped the cataclysm in its tracks, preventing Earth's destruction, but not before stating that he would not do such a thing again, and that he would now be watching the adventures of The Creators very closely. G-Rex then faded away and returned to the multiverse, having forced Aetherium back into his galactic form for containment within his 'body'.


  • End Times: If G-Rex wakes, the entirety of Universe -1 will be radically changed and devastated by his mere presence, owing to the dramatic effects on spacetime required to assume his corporeal form.
  • Expansion: Constant increases in G-Rex's size are driving Universe -1's growth.


  • How about that for an overpowered monster, eh?
  • As space fascinates me, I had a ton of fun creating this monster, even though the 'head' proved harder to create than I expected.
  • G-Rex's image is actually an altered version of the same image used for Cdr's Kaiju T-Rex. Cdr and Koopa joke about the two being related somehow occasionally.
Koopa's Kaiju, Monsters and Aliens
Universe 1996
Haemophagic Demon TreeGodzillaClass 166illaMecha-F40PH
Universe 1996 (Periodic Genesis Continuity)
Periodic Genesis Kaiju
Introduced in Periodic Genesis: Dawn of Sepsis
SepsisKeratosMyosOrganonKoopaLuster CaesiumGermanium IIFake Sepsis
Universe -1
G-RexAetheriumGodzillaHokuto Black KingBetelgeuse Silver BloomeEkatotesseraVicious-Type Dragonish
Universe 6991
Longy, the Long GodzillaTeeny, the Tiny GodzillaKirkosSheridanJolly the Christmas PuddingHedronSepsizillaErythBluezerDuogoT the GGGGScutassSupar YusheeHornhornyhornChubzy McWubzingtonWilhelmGattai KoopaGabrielMarthaExtensor
Universe 1616
BelixaRaptor RaptorTremolexAlien GeometrosCanadanserCarlton, the Docile DemonGareth the GolemRobo-CarltonMartin, the Less-than-Docile DemonRobo-Gareth Mk. 0Baron HeliumJunioraptorCrayon King KaijuCrayon Baron HeliumCrayon Raptor
Universe 10500
AndromedansEmperor KafarosImperator DysonAlien Reminto
Other/Unknown Universes
BIOS-SXMisfortune.zillaThunder Pics d'AranBeerganKoopa, the Baddest Demon of Them AllDoctor MemeKinAkumachiMaskutBaron HeliumDistortion BaganAlien TorrentTorrent War BeastTorrent OverseerSentient AirlinersDark KoopaVacuonProto-Myos
Scrapped Kaiju
Hail to the King (Scrapped Comic Series)
GodzillaGiganHedorahSea BaragonKing Godzilla
Scrapped/Unused Periodic Genesis Kaiju
EuropiumAstatineSepsis (Pathogen Concept)